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Women's Equality Summit Reminds Us of Our Connections

Last year, I had a great experience going through the New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute (NORLI) program, and on August 29 I attended the first Women of NORLI’s Women’s Equality Summit at the Windsor Court Hotel. Being in a room with so many strong, smart, and accomplished women in leadership roles in the Greater New Orleans area was exciting.  While we often feel like we’re on our island as immigration lawyers in New Orleans, the mix in the room made it clear that we’re as much a part of the city’s business community as doctors, politicians, bankers, academics and administrators.

Since Gasparian Spivey is a women-led firm, I was particularly interested in the session, “Scaling the Economy Through Women in Business.” The “Building a Political Career and the Will to Run for Office” panel was bipartisan and inspiring, and gave me hope for the future. The unexpected take away for me, however, came from Dr. Joan Rosenberg, the author of 90 Seconds to a Live You Love. She spoke about how to process difficult feelings, which is a challenge that comes with living in 2019.

My experience with NORLI, like Leah’s with the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program, reminds us about how we as immigration lawyers are part of New Orleans’ economy and business community, and that reality gives us strength and a clearer sense of purpose moving forward.


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