At Gasparian Spivey Immigration, we are passionate about our clients, the law, the state of immigration, our city, and our friends. We'd like to share our passion and thoughts with you, and we welcome your questions and feedback.
Jul 6, 2022
On Wednesday, June 6, the fate of the DREAM Act moves to New Orleans, and as immigration lawyers, the fact that it is still in the courts is discouraging on a number of levels, not the least of w...
Jun 27, 2022
In March, we wrote about the way Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine has exposed what looks like racial and cultural biases in our immigration policy. The New York Times told the story of people in Calif...
Jun 20, 2022
The one thing that unifies everybody in immigration debates is that nobody is happy with things as they are. It’s disheartening as an immigration lawyer that appeals to justice and American ideals bar...
May 19, 2022
The U.S. Supreme Court just gave immigrants another reason to seek out immigration lawyers. The importance of properly and accurately filling out forms has never been more pressing. On Monday, the ...
May 4, 2022
Starting on Wednesday, U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will increase the automatic extension period for employment authorization and Employment Authorization Documents (EADs). Many EA...
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