At Gasparian Spivey Immigration, we are passionate about our clients, the law, the state of immigration, our city, and our friends. We'd like to share our passion and thoughts with you, and we welcome your questions and feedback.
Aug 31, 2022
One byproduct of being immigration lawyers is that we routinely watch the national conversation over immigration get sidetracked in ways that miss the point. We can make the economic argument for immi...
Aug 24, 2022
The good news? Politicians haven’t stopped trying find ways to address the challenges to immigration, particularly for those in STEM fields. The bad news? Most House and Senate Republicans are...
Aug 15, 2022
Recently, Kathleen interviewed retired Magistrate Joseph “Jay” Wilkinson about his book, A Lie Will Suffice: A DiGiovanni Family History, for the New Orleans chapter of the Federal Bar Association’s p...
Aug 10, 2022
Last year, the non-profit organization Home is Here NOLA launched as a vehicle to help immigrants find their communities, gain access to resources, and become part of the systems and communities that ...
Jul 21, 2022
We're looking to hire a new immigration attorney. Here's the pitch: Women-led immigration firm seeking attorney to be part of a dynamic team. We have a strong commitment to mentoring and support; you...
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