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What We Think

At Gasparian Spivey Immigration, we are passionate about our clients, the law, the state of immigration, our city, and our friends. We'd like to share our passion and thoughts with you, and we welcome your questions and feedback.

Louisiana Detention Facilities Waste $80 Million with Guaranteed Minimums

Feb 10, 2022

Alfaz Sayed Ko Wjbc F2 Mq4 Unsplash

In the past, we’ve written about the role states play in the immigration conversation. Many conservative gubernatorial candidates have staked out get-tough positions on issues that are federal matters...

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Changes Make Immigration in STEM Fields Easier

Feb 3, 2022

Vishnu Mohanan Vtg8T Ado Wvq Unsplash

As immigration lawyers, we work extensively with employment and education-based immigration. It was difficult to watch the previous administration make immigration in those areas more difficult becaus...

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Dependent Spouses of Some Visa Holders Have Path to Employment Eased

Jan 5, 2022

Scott Graham Oqmzw Nd3 Th U Unsplash

One challenge we regularly face as immigration lawyers who work a lot of employment-based immigration matters is what to do about spouses. One member of a family receiving work authorization doesn’t n...

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Gasparian Spivey Immigration Welcomes Colleen Templeton Home

Nov 22, 2021

Colleen Templeton Gasparian Spivey Immigration Copy

Between Hurricane Ida, immigration business as usual, and the ambient drag that COVID concerns exert over almost all facets of business in New Orleans, we’re finally officially welcoming associate att...

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COVID-Related Travel Ban to Lift November 8

Nov 1, 2021

Yousef Alfuhigi B Mily Kzhkmy Unsplash

Recently, President Joe Biden announced “A Proclamation on Advancing the Safe Resumption of Global Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Starting on 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on November 8, tra...

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Julian Castro, Federal Register, public defender, Ivan Duque, Court of Appeals, Samuel Alito, path to citizenship, government assistance, cities, ITIN, Louisiana Language Access Coalition, review, veto, Duong Phuong, immigration reform, sanctuary city, trump, new orleans, police, , Hon, attorney general, non-detained, COVID-19, Buy American and Hire American, Lori Dowell, Jefferson Parish, foreign medical graduate, form 131-f, Martha's Vineyard, Notice to Appear, work visas, limited liability corporation, podcast, attorney, intenational students, Dana Leigh Marks, Rebecca Sugar, penalties, consequences, plan, District Attorney, New Orleans Bar Association, education, Freedom for Families, Department of Health and Human Services, Louisisana Language Access Coalition, 201, House Bill 537, donald trump, H-1B visa, south dakota, i-9, assista, online education, Kyrsten Sinema, Francis Cissna, waste, trump, travel ban, executive order, refugee, supreme court, bona fide, relationship, grandparents, married couple, myths, grade school, Legal Orientation Program, Moreno v. Nielson, dependent spouse, values, J-1 visa, Quota, underserved students, legal status, Innovation in International Education, sanctuary city, Jeff Flake, cap-gap, Lesley Nash, U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, memorandum, voting rights, Nicholls State, lobster, David Perdue, international educators, violent crime, immigration answers, participation, migration, automatic renewal, governor's race, merit-based petition, Zach Edey, Custody by Mandate Affidavit, Jose Torres Tama, legal representation, Louisiana immigration lawyer, threat, candidates, essential workers, family separation, Rihanna, English language, voting, ORR, John Kelly, crisis level, teachers

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