At Gasparian Spivey Immigration, we are passionate about our clients, the law, the state of immigration, our city, and our friends. We'd like to share our passion and thoughts with you, and we welcome your questions and feedback.
Oct 21, 2021
Canada lifted its ban on entry to fully vaccinated travelers on August 9, and late last week the Biden administration announced that the United States will follow suit starting November 8. Starting on...
Oct 8, 2021
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently announced proposed rule changes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that we hope will take place. These changes seem necessa...
Sep 30, 2021
The United States has long had some kind of “public charge” measure factored into the immigration experience, but the Trump administration’s attempt to weaponize it has prompted the Biden administrati...
Aug 30, 2021
We are heartbroken to see the devastation that Hurricane Ida brought to New Orleans, Southern Louisiana, and the Gulf South. Our staff is safe and we’re thankful for that, but because of the damage to...
Aug 19, 2021
We planned to introduce Lori Dowell on the website last year, but, you know, COVID. But better late than never. We’re glad to have Lori on board full-time at Gasparian Spivey Immigration as an&nb...
Honduras, self-petition, immigration questions, border crossing, Cancellation of Removal, NIWAP, foreign embassy, permanent residence, Baton Rouge Immigrants’ Rights Coalition, Democratic debate, governor's race, House Bill 125, Civil Rights Act, overturned, public devender, Louisiana Supre, revised, ima, election issue, executive action, values, H-1B visa change, 212 (f), crackdown, Republicans, presidential proclamation, I-140, public defender, Federal Register, criminal lawyer, mayor landri, Hard Living in the Big Easy, S.B. 386, Louisiana immigration lawyer, District Attorney, New Orleans,, flexibilities, Mexico border, LewerMark, Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, eddie rispone, language access, government services, Leslie Nash, green card lottery, student visa, government assistance, visa changes, voting, Wescley Pereira, Leah Spivey, 14th Amendm, Lawrence S. Bacow, Karla R. Martinez, policy change, form 131-f, work-based immigration, Syracuse, Steven Universe, per country caps, O-1 visa, Gambit Weekly, kennedy, Forbes, Census, New Orleans immigration law firm, vacate ruling, processing, Smithsonian, community, nursing shortage, patriotism test, caravan, Trump Administration, Johnson v. United States, New Orleans immigration lawyer, re-registration, dependents, USCIS, trump, travel ban, executive order, refugee, supreme court, bona fide, relationship, grandparents, victims of crime, Vietnamese women, migrant workers, last in, first out, health care workers, Julian Castro, petition, gun control, E13, international educators, language immersion education, immigration reform, Trump, extreme vetting, deportation, wall, Mexico, Muslims, wasteful spending, October 1, Hurricane Katrina, DS-260, tech sector, DACA, NAFSA eC, derivative status
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