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What We Think

At Gasparian Spivey Immigration, we are passionate about our clients, the law, the state of immigration, our city, and our friends. We'd like to share our passion and thoughts with you, and we welcome your questions and feedback.

New Orleans Artist Explores His Vietnamese Roots Through Nail Art

Jul 13, 2021

Yellow Dinh 2021 1 768X528

At the end of corridor in the Ogden Museum of Art in New Orleans, Nail Salon, a show by artist Christian Dinh speaks simply but profoundly. A series of sculptures and ceramic pieces focus on the ...

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Garland Reverses Trump AGs, Vacates Asylum Rulings

Jun 21, 2021

Merrick Garland Gasparian Spivey Immigration

As immigration lawyers, we spent much of the last four years disturbed by the lengths the Department of Justice (DOJ) would go to fundamentally change the government’s posture on immigration. The curr...

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U Visa Applicants Now Eligible for Work Cards as Part of Plan to Make Immigration More Humane

Jun 15, 2021

Fabian Fauth 1 Eed Ibc6J Y Unsplash

On Monday, the Biden Administration made another announcement that continued the process of slowly making American immigration law more humane. The U visa is for victims of crime, most commonly domest...

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Supreme Court Rejects Incomplete Notices to Appear, Creates Opportunities for Foreign Nationals Who Were Improperly Served

Jun 14, 2021

Notice To Appear Gasparian Spivey Immigration

Last month, the Supreme Court ruled that a foreign national had to receive a Notice to Appear (NTA) as a single, complete document—a decision that could impact a huge number of cases and be very...

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Why Language Access Matters

May 27, 2021

Leonardo Toshiro Okubo J Bstnen Qxok Unsplash

A 2019 study on immigration and language access conducted by the Center for American Progress points to the deaths of two children in U.S. custody to illustrate the importance of language access. Whil...

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